Medical Director
Shilpen on the Leadership Team, as the global champion, of gPRIDE (LGBT+ employee resource group). He is helping lead efforts to have both sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) captured in clinical trials and to ensure that the voluntary self-identification of SOGI is captured, counted and included in company diversity surveys. Shilpen also works with gPRIDE and the Chief Diversity Office to ensure engagement throughout the company at the intersections of race, ethnicity, gender identity, and can often be seen conducting speaking engagements at Healthcare events. As a physician, researcher, and teacher with knowledge of the healthcare system, his work is crucial in creating model training, developing white papers, creating diverse frameworks & education programs, all in support of the LGBT+ community. Shilpen is the immediate past chair of the the LGBTQ Advisory Committee of the American Medical Association (AMA) and the National Action Council at the National LGBT+ Task Force. He currently serves on the board of the Horizons Foundation.