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Áine O’Dwyer is CEO of Enovate Consulting, a LGBTQBE-WBE-DBE certified national, multi-sector Engineering and Construction Management firm. Áine promotes DEI and LGBTQ issues at Enovate with a diverse workforce focused on creating a culture where individuals from all backgrounds achieve career success. She’s incorporated efforts into recruiting, hiring and retention as a process rather than a program. Áine and Enovate have won multiple awards including ENR National Top 20 Under 40, Best 50 Women in Business (NJBIZ), Women of Achievement (PWC) and Diversity & Inclusion Award (Anchin). Sitting on the Board of Professional Women in Construction, NY, she attends many events focused on promoting women in engineering. Outside Enovate, Áine is married to her award-winning Director/Writer/Actress wife, Jenna Laurenzo and is commonly on the red carpet with Jenna for her LGBTQ+-themed films. Áine remains active locally on LGBTQ+ initiatives and participates in sports such as soccer, golf, hiking and snowboarding.