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Gurchaten Sandhu

Gurchaten Sandhu is a Project Director at the United Nation’s International Labour Organization (ILO). Tirelessly working for the eradication of child labour, Gurchaten also finds the time to volunteer for UN GLOBE, the staff group representing LGBTI+ staff in the UN and its peacekeeping operations. As its Vice-President, he works to ensure the voice and rights of LGBTI+ staff are represented in UN policies and procedures. He has raised the group’s visibility, has trained colleagues at the highest level of the UN agencies, organised and built a community of UN LGBTI+ staff, as well as a network with local and national LGBTI+ organisations in Switzerland. Gurchaten has also helped to reform the staff regulations on personal status in the ILO and more recently helped to introduce gender inclusive/neutral toilets on every floor of the ILO building, making it the first UN agency in Geneva to do so. He has been told that, through his advocacy and training sessions, he is making UN Officials better LGBTI+ allies!

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